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Ecole Mother Teresa Students raise funds for local Catholic Women’s League

The $714 donated to the Sylvan Lake CWL will go towards helping to provide funeral luncheons
Sylvan Lake Catholic Women’s League (CWL) president Lara Bechtel accepted a cheque for $714 from the Grade 7 class at Ecole Mother Teresa School. The funds donated to the CWL will go towards helping to provide funeral luncheons. (photo courtesy of Lara Bechtel

Grade 7 students at Ecole Mother Teresa School recently held a fundraiser to make a donation to the local Catholic Women’s League (CWL).

The money raised will go towards subsidizing the cost of funeral luncheons provided by the CWL, Sylvan Lake CWL president Lara Bechtel said.

“The Grade 7 class fundraised throughout Lent to make the donation to the CWL to subsidize the cost of a luncheon for families who may not be able to afford the cost.”

Sylvan Lake CWL president Lara Bechtel was made aware of the student’s fundraiser after receiving an email from teacher Danielle Keys on April 10.

“She had informed me that her students had learned about corporal works of mercy and chose to focus on the topic Bury the Dead with the Grade 7 class,” Bechtel said.

The Grade 7 students raised the funds by:

- holding a bake sale where students all contributed by baking treats and selling them to the students and teachers at the school

- donating a portion of their allowance/having their family donate

- canvassing their neighbours

The original goal the Grade 7s had was to raise $200 and in total $714 was raised, Bechtel said.

“Their fundraising will help families in need to support them in mourning their deceased by paying for a funeral luncheon.”

What the kids at the school did was an amazing act of kindness, she added.

“The Sylvan Lake CWL is truly grateful for the generosity and hard work done to raise funds by the Grade 7 students at Ecole Mother Teresa School.”

Sarah Baker

About the Author: Sarah Baker

I joined Black Press in March 2023 and am looking forward to sharing stories about the local communities.
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