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An overview of a day in the life of a commuter

The 11th hour has arrived again. Here I am head bowed, hands clasped reverently under my chin, thinking!

Treena Mielke


The 11th hour has arrived again.

Here I am head bowed, hands clasped reverently under my chin, thinking!

What to write about.

I hate to admit this to the nice people who actually take time to read my humble attempts at writing every week, but it has not been a good morning. Consequently, my mind is mush.

Unless I consciously steer it in the direction of work, responsibility and tell it to focus on the ‘Power of Now’, like that guy who writes that new age stuff called his book, it keeps wanting to go to place where I get to go back to bed, curl up in the fetal position and wake up in spring to flowers and sunshine and nice, dry roads.

But, reality says “you have 47 minutes until deadline. Quit feeling all sorry for yourself and get to work.”

I think of the late, great movie actor, Robin Williams and his famous movie, “Good Morning, Vietnam.

I’m not sure why I’m thinking of him, except, getting things in perspective, he certainly came across on the air in that movie as being hilarious and keeping his public’s spirits up, even during the horrors of Vietnam.

Surely, with that thought in mind, I could be a little happier, or at least portray a happy person, who is not all mad and tense and thoroughly yeah, well, actually, I’ve run out of adjectives, but its fine. You all know what I mean.

It’s about winter. But seriously, it’s not like it’s a big surprise, after all, it is the season next in line after fall and I even have snow tires, for crying out loud.

As I write the above, I feel a little guilty about complaining, but, oh well, I will anyway, but only for a few lines.

First of all my garage door wouldn’t open this morning, even though I called it bad names and ran back and forth like a crazy woman trying to catch the chain thing and make it work.

Finally, after about 15 minutes of doing this, which is far better than cardio at the gym, I got the stupid thing to open. Thank goodness no one could see me cause, as I mentioned, I was in the garage behind the closed door when I did my running back and forth.

Small blessings!

But, of course, once the door was open I saw the driveway which has, weirdly enough, increased in size immensely since the last snowfall and, in comparison, my snow shovel has shrunk to baby size.

The driveway, of course, was covered with snow, even though my son, who turned up unexpectedly and blessedly last night, had already shoveled it, complaining all the while about the little baby snow shovel.

And then there was the drive to work.

For the most part, I was scared, just really scared and alternately kept saying thank you to God for keeping me on the straight and narrow which, by the way, was extremely narrow due to the falling snow and the guy behind me in the big truck who was keeping a respectable distance behind me.

“Thank you guy in big truck,” I said silently in my head. “Thank you.”

Anyway, I arrived here safe and sound, and now I got that stuff off my mind about the garage door and the drive way and the drive to work, I feel much better.

And, I still have 15 minutes until deadline!

Have a good day, everyone. Keep between the ditches. Stay warm, stay dry! If possible, stay home!