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Reader speaks out against protesters

Congratulations to Mr. Johnston on his Feb. 7 letter, concerning the ‘Idle no more’ protesters.

Dear Editor,

Congratulations to Mr. Johnston on his Feb. 7 letter, concerning the ‘Idle no more’ protesters.

He is only saying what thousands of normal tax paying citizens of this country have been thinking for years, but with all these “correctness” issues we have these days it seems the only ones that are allowed to say anything about a problem are the ones causing the problem.

It is bad enough that our various levels of government manage to waste our tax dollars by the bucketful, but with the Indians it is just a bottomless pit.

Perhaps if they were to learn some accountability and how to make proper use of the billions we already give them, they would not have the problems they have.

When are we allowed to say “enough is enough?”

Ken Hurt,

Red Deer