The Eckville & District Historical Society held a community meeting on Sept. 21 to seek community support for establishing a museum in Eckville’s first hospital. The response was encouraging, about 20 people attended the meeting and 30 more sent their regrets for not being able to attend but voiced their support for the project. Given the support demonstrated, it was decided that the society would take steps to start the museum.
Three people who were born in the house attended the meeting: Jean Maki, Marvin McNeil and chair Pat Lightbown. It was proposed that the museum be named the Dr. Coppock Memorial Museum in recognition of the late doctor’s contribution to Eckville and surrounding districts.
The first steps in the project will be to have the society obtain title to the property and to obtain insurance to operate the museum. The town of Eckville has agreed to exempt the museum from property taxes, but annual costs of maintaining and operating the museum will the responsibility of the society. A membership drive and fundraising campaign will be started. Helen Posti and Richard Covlin were appointed to the fundraising committee.
Anyone interested in the history of Eckville and surrounding districts, including persons under the age of 18 years, may become a member. At present, there is no membership fee. To become a member, send your name, address and phone/e-mail address c/o Helen Posti PO Box 122 Eckville, AB T0M 0X0 or call 403-318-8206 or e-mail Dianne Covlin at Please note, the society will not provide membership names to third parties without your permission.
Two small fundraising programs will be started immediately. Firstly, Founding Members of the Museum – anyone wishing to support the museum may become a founding member of the museum with a payment of $100 or more to the society. Founding members will be recognized on a Founding Members Role. Secondly, Children Born in the Hospital – a donation of $100 or more will record the name of a child born in Eckville’s first hospital.
At present, the society is unable to issue tax receipts for donations; however, an application is being made to Canada Revenue for charitable status. Once charitable status has been obtained, tax receipts will be issued for donations to the society.
The society is also applying for a casino and volunteers will be required to work the casino.
A major fundraising campaign will be started seeking both financial donations and contributions of labour and equipment for repair and maintenance of the building and grounds.
To make a donation to the society, either as a founding member or in memory of a child born in the hospital, payments may be made to Eckville & District Historical Society c/o Helen Posti PO Box 122 Eckville, AB T0M 0X0 or by e-transfer e-mailed to
Membership and donation forms can be obtained by logging on to