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Facebook group provides a new way to explore Sylvan Lake

Sylvan Lake Rocks encourage members to paint and hide encouraging rocks around the community
Sylvan Lake Rocks encourages locals to paint rocks with unique and inspiring images and hide them around town for others to find. Corrine Olineck says the activity encourages locals to get out and explore their own backyard. (Photo Courtesy of Sylvan Lake Rocks Facebook Page)

In July of 2015 Corrine Olineck went to visit her sister in Fort McMurray and there she learned about a group her sister belonged to called Fort McMurray Rocks.

“She encouraged the kids to create their own group here since they enjoyed painting and finding the rocks,” Olineck said.

So, in 2018 Olineck and her children started the group Sylvan Lake Rocks.

“It’s fun to get together paint, and then hide the rocks.”

However, the group didn’t take off until this year.

During the first two years the group had around 77 members, and now the group grown to 444 members.

Everyone in the group has been positive, says Olineck.

“Families and friends are getting together painting rocks and finding them. It seems like it’s bringing joy to everyone from little kids to seniors.”

On the back of the painted rocks found around the community is the group name to lead people to the Facebook page.

“There’s more people out and around and these rocks have given encouragement, and more and more people want to be a part of that,” said Olineck.

As for how many rocks have been placed around the community and found it’s hard to say.

“Some people post pictures of the rocks in another group called Meanwhile in Sylvan Lake so it’s hard to keep track of how many rocks have been placed and found around the community,” she said.

There are also certain things people do when they place a rock somewhere.

“When a rock is hidden people give a hint of where it is, and others will go to that location to find it.”

A couple of people have also thanked the group for keeping it going and Olineck for creating it.

Sylvan Lake Rocks provides a new reason to explore Sylvan Lake, says Olineck.

“It gets people out searching the community and going places in the community they probably never would have been before.”

Everyone in the community is welcome to join the group.

“The group provides something positive in these dark times. People are getting out and getting exercise, getting together and painting rocks. Even if it’s just at home with Mom and Dad and siblings it’s bringing people together and giving them something else to do.”