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Memorial tournament

There are still a few spots open in the fourth annual Stacy Regier Memorial Golf Tournament which runs July 28 at Meadowlands Golf Club.

There are still a few spots open in the fourth annual Stacy Regier Memorial Golf Tournament which runs July 28 at Meadowlands Golf Club.

Registration runs from 10:30 a.m. to noon with a start time of 1 p.m.

Dinner and a cash bar are at 6 p.m. followed by a silent auction and an awards presentation.

Tournament proceeds will support the intensive care unit at the Foothills Medical Centre through the Calgary Health Trust.

According to the Stacy Regier Legacy web site, Regier loved the Meadowlands Golf Course and all of the people who worked and played there.

“She enjoyed the game of golf as well as the interaction with all those who shared her passion for the game.”

On Thanksgiving weekend in 2008, only one week before her passing, she enjoyed one more game of golf with her father, Peter.

On July 25th, 2009 the first annual Stacy Regier Memorial Golf Tournament was a tremendous success, raising $26,745.

In 2010 with the downturn in the economy they raised $17,200. And last year organizers raised $36,600 and saw a record attendance of 140 golfers participating.

Proceeds have helped purchase a Coolguard Unit, a Licox Monitor and a Cerebral Micro Dialysis Unit for the Calgary Foothills Medical Center.
