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Mermaid Ball - Green Business Award - Serenella Salon & Spa

To be presented to a business that has incorporated environmental sustainability into its business model
The Green Business Award was presented to Serenella Salon & Spa by Mayor Sean McIntyre (left) and last year’s winner

l, adopted environmentally friendly technologies or has participated in green Initiatives.

Serenella Salon & Spa was the award winner. This business promotes 100 per cent organic and biodegradable products, both the products they use daily on clients and in their retail products. Not only promoting the importance of the environment, but also much healthier and green choices for clients. They want to set an example of how local business, big or small, can help to make a huge impact on the environment.

Other nominees were:

Tim Horton’s - As a member of a Canadian franchise they follow a strict ‘best practices’ guide for sustainability performance. They recycle the coffee grounds and they have committed to diverting hot beverage cups from landfill to recycle. As a member of a national franchise these commitments are among many others that are mandatory as a local store owner.

Sylvan Lake Business Solutions - As your locally owned and operated source for home and business solutions, they recycle all sorts of computers and electronics. These computers are stripped down and hard drives cleared before recycling. Recently they participated in the Eco Loco Fair promoting all green products available in the business industry.

Tait Electrical - As a customer you cannot help but feel the passion these guys feel about green energy. They offer an array of solar power technologies for home and business. They participate in Sylvan Lake’s Green Certificate program and had a great booth at the Eco Loco Fair this fall.

This award was sponsored by Town of Sylvan Lake.