The Rotary Club of Sylvan Lake awarded the first of its annual scholarships to two Bentley School students.
The Sylvan Lake Rotary Club PRIDE awards of $1,000 each were presented by principal Lane Moore and Rotarian Joyce Megson to Kyle Turnbull and Alick Croft during graduation ceremonies June 28.
PRIDE represents the school motto of Partnership, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Excellence.
Normally the club would present one $2,000 scholarship but because the Bentley School had a very high quality of Grade 12 graduates, that was split into two $1,000 scholarships, said Megson.
The scholarships are part of a program by the Rotary Club to provide scholarships to deserving students in area schools in Sylvan Lake, Bentley and Eckville.
Money for the scholarships is raised through the club’s annual golf tournament.
Megson said the criteria for selecting deserving students is Rotary’s 4-Way Test (Of all the things we think, say or do, Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? and Will it be beneficial to all concerned?) Rotary’s foundational tenet of Service to Others Above Self is also considered.
The scholarships are presented to recipients who are pursuing post secondary education.