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Shared diverse range of science projects

Rushing excitement filled Benalto School as the science fair was approaching.
Benalto School students proudly displayed science projects to teachers


Rushing excitement filled Benalto School as the science fair was approaching.

It was Benalto’s eighth bi-annual science fair, and indeed, it was very thrilling.

“It was fantastic!” said Grade 5/6 teacher, Mr. Frey, with a smile. “Everyone did a great job on their presentations.”

Students, teachers, staff, and parents all enjoyed overwhelming information about science. “I was really impressed by the diversity of all the projects and how much everybody learned from them,” said Mrs. Mykyte, a parent who had accompanied her children to the science fair.

The event took place at Benalto School last Wednesday and was open to the public who were interested in sciences.

“It was really fun to look at others students’ projects,” said Kyler Olsen, Grade 2 student. “I could not believe that Maddy’s egg experiment held 57 books!”

He was clearly astonished.

The students had been preparing for this day for three weeks, and were happy to discover what science has to offer.

“I had fun building my project with my mom,” said Grade 5 student, Kirissa Rayner. “I also learned about the different variables in science projects.”

The science fair was truly delightful for all, especially the students!