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Sylvan Lake business donates to non-profits for each goal scored during Battle of Alberta

Sylvan Lake business donates to non-profits for each goal scored during Battle of Alberta

Rotary Club of Sylvan Lake and local Girl Guides to receive a collective donation of $450
PHOTOS: Sylvan Lake’s Food Truck Thursdays return for the season

PHOTOS: Sylvan Lake’s Food Truck Thursdays return for the season

Downtown streets will also be lit with buskers until the beginning of September
PHOTO:Red Deer graduates capture lifelong memories in Sylvan Lake

PHOTO:Red Deer graduates capture lifelong memories in Sylvan Lake

Two Red Deer high school students visited Sylvan Lake for a graduation photoshoot at the various scenic locations the town has to offer on May 23. Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School’s Tyson Simmons (left) hopes to master skills to become an electrician and Kennedy Schempp aims to pursue higher education in business administration. Reeti Meenakshi Rohilla / Sylvan Lake News
Sylvan Lake to install four new crosswalks this year

Sylvan Lake to install four new crosswalks this year

The Town of Sylvan Lake will be installing four new RRFB (rectangular rapid flashing beacon) crosswalks around town.
Sylvan Lake heels up to combat gender-based violence

Sylvan Lake heels up to combat gender-based violence

Funds raised go towards the women’s Outreach Centre
PHOTOS: Sylvan Lake Farmers Market returns to support local

PHOTOS: Sylvan Lake Farmers Market returns to support local

The Sylvan Lake Farmers Market opened for the 2022 season on May 20. It runs every Friday between 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. through to the end of September. Reeti Meenakshi Rohilla / Sylvan Lake News
Artist brightens school wall with Indigenous-themed paiting

Artist brightens school wall with Indigenous-themed paiting

Local Indigenous artist Ryan Willert shared his amazing talent and knowledge with students at École Our Lady of the Rosary School on May 16.
Charity pie auction welcomes baked donations to support local

Charity pie auction welcomes baked donations to support local

Sylvan Lake’s long-standing tradition of a bake sale fundraiser that has donated thousands locally over the years will return to share its sweetness on June 11.
Central Alberta students unite over Special Olympics unified sport

Central Alberta students unite over Special Olympics unified sport

Eckville high school hosted over 30 students from across six communities
Sylvan Lake Brownies wrap up season, advance to girl guides

Sylvan Lake Brownies wrap up season, advance to girl guides

The Sylvan Lake Brownies wrapped up the season and celebrated two years of togetherness before advancing to the Guides level on May 5.