The Tools for School program at Sylvan Lake Community Partners needs more donations.
The Tools for School program helps kids from kindergarten to Grade 12 get the supplies they need for the year.
With the lack of physical donations coming in, Community Partners has purchased a ton of school supplies themselves, program director Tracey Soroka said.
"We purchased a lot of it ourselves out of our budget. We have to purchase supplies ahead of time because people want to get their supplies."
The community has been very generous in helping out with the program, Soroka said.
"Lodge 43 has been doing a fundraiser this month and the money raised from a portion of their burger sales will be going to our Tools for School program."
People also donate to the program throughout the year, she added.
"They give extra binders or whatever it is they have."
Sometimes it works out better for Community Partners to purchase the supplies, Soroka said.
"We like to give similar things to all the kids, so if we go out and buy it, we buy all the same things to keep it equal across the board."
People interested in donating to the program are welcome to bring in financial or school supply items, Soroka said.
"If someone would like to designate the money for Tools For School they can also specify that is what it is for and all designated money when it comes in we are required with the Charities Act to use the money for the purpose it was designated for."