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Additional teachers to help alleviate large class sizes at Fox Run

In a bid to alleviate large class sizes, École Fox Run School has added two more teaching staff to its current roster.

In a bid to alleviate large class sizes, École Fox Run School has added two more teaching staff to its current roster.

One Grade 6 homeroom teacher and one Grade 7 homeroom teacher have been added, allowing the school to downsize Grade 6 and 7 classes significantly, according to principal Don Rattray.

“This is very exciting news for everyone here at Fox Run, and we are making every effort to make this a very positive transition for students, staff and parents,” he wrote in an email. “These additional teachers will allow us to bring class sizes in Grade 6 and 7 down considerably and continue to ensure that we have quality learning environments at Fox Run.”

Teachers and school administration were working together last week to determine which students would be placed in the new classes, before contacting parents to discuss their plans.

The new teachers began organizing their classrooms last Friday to prepare for students arriving for their first day of new classes on Monday.

Rattray said the school was “very fortunate to have the support of Chinook’s Edge School Division” for the additions, and encouraged those with questions about the move to contact him.

“We want to make sure that both students and parents have a voice in creating this new classroom,” he said.