August 16
3:44 a.m. – RCMP are investigating a theft which occurred at the Wild Rapids Waterslides Park in Sylvan Lake. Best Western security observed two males running away from the water park with floaties and water boards. They dropped the floaties but were witnessed continuing to run with a four foot square board and a smaller board.
6:21 a.m. - A break and enter into a business in Sylvan Lake was reported to RCMP. Thieves accessed the company Charger Pumping Solutions on Cuendet Industrial Way. A gate lock was cut and a skid shack and trailers were entered into. An all-terrain vehicle and a laptop were stolen.
11:23 p.m. - A complaint was received by RCMP of six teenagers trying to break into a rear shed at a residence on 47th Avenue in Sylvan Lake. A witness scared off the youths and they were last seen heading towards a residence on 47th Avenue at 48th Street. A party was being held at the residence at the time but no one attending could be identified as suspects.
August 17
12:16 a.m. - A 911 call was placed to RCMP after a male was found passed out at a location on 46th Street Close in Sylvan Lake. The 18-year-old Sylvan Lake male had attended a party and was found to be extremely intoxicated. He was arrested and lodged in cells until sober.
1:00 a.m. - A female was transported to police cells after a 911 call was received by dispatch of a woman hallucinating. The woman was found by police talking to herself and rolling around on the ground. She appeared to be under the influence of drugs and possibly alcohol. She remained lodged in cells until sober.
2:40 a.m. - Impaired driving charges have been laid against a 21-year-old male from Eckville. The male was observed driving through a stop sign on Highway 11 at Range Road 31 in Lacombe County. A roadside screening device was administered and the male was charged with impaired driving; having a blood alcohol level over. 08; and possessing open liquor in a vehicle.
August 19
3:37 a.m. - Police attended Chef’s Pub and Grill on Lakeshore Drive in Sylvan Lake after two males were observed getting ready to fight outside the establishment. One of the males was advised to leave but refused police direction and was arrested for public intoxication and causing a disturbance. The male became violent as he was being transported to cells and was subsequently charged with two counts of assault on a peace officer; assault on a peace officer with a weapon; and disturbing the peace.
1:14 p.m. - An investigation is underway into air bombs that were placed in rural mailboxes on Township Road 382 in Red Deer County. Several firecrackers were attached to mailboxes with one exploding. Two others had not discharged. The Explosive Disposal Unit in Edmonton was contacted and the air bombs were removed safely. No injuries were reported.
11:23 p.m. - A domestic dispute on Lakeshore Drive at Wildrose Drive in Sylvan Lake resulted in RCMP attendance. A male was reportedly yelling and screaming at his girlfriend. A patrol was conducted and the couple was located walking down the sidewalk. No physical violence was determined to have occurred. The pair separated for the evening with no further incidents reported.
August 21
2:20 a.m. - RCMP were called to Steffie Woima Elementary School in Sylvan Lake after a report of a group of youths on the roof of the building. Three individuals, a 20-year-old male, an 18-year-old female and a 17-year-old female were located on the roof, all in an intoxicated state. The adults were advised to return home. The 17-year-old female was brought to cells and her parents were notified to retrieve her.