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Council highlights

At its regular meeting Monday council approved the Jan. 6 draft design development report for the NexSource Centre

Red Deer County approves annexation negotiation report

Red Deer County council during its Jan. 6 regular meeting gave approval

New home found for Faith Lutheran Church

The Faith Lutheran Church has a new location in Sylvan Lake.

Icy road conditions cause injury collision at intersection

RCMP received a 911 call from a female advising that her spouse was having a breakdown and destroying their residence

Greeting service welcomes newcomers to Sylvan Lake

Representatives aim to deliver baskets within a week or two of residents arriving

Town council to lobby province for funds to rebuild beach

The prospect of Sylvan Lake once again enjoying a wide sandy beach has not been washed away by town council

Police seeking owner of significant amount of cash found near medical clinic

Sylvan Lake RCMP are seeking the rightful owner of what they say is a “significant amount of cash”

Chamber to relocate to municipal building

Sylvan Lake town council has given the green light to the chamber of commerce to move into the municipal building for a three-year term.
Polar Bear Dip returning to raise money in support of local charities

Polar Bear Dip returning to raise money in support of local charities

A frozen lake and frigid temperatures can only mean one thing for charitable Sylvan Lakers — time to take the plunge

Fire department called to early morning collisions

The following is a list of calls the Sylvan Lake Fire Department responded to between Dec. 15 and Jan. 5: