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Behaviour of some young people immature, troubling

I find it troubling to see the young people of our community crowding around Mac’s store at noon hour on school days.

Dear Editor,

I find it troubling to see the young people of our community crowding around Mac’s store at noon hour on school days.

I see large groups of kids swearing, smoking, playing loud music and making a mess inside and outside the store. The staff at Mac’s have to have someone at the door watching for theft, as this is a huge problem that raises prices for everyone.

On an individual basis, each of these kids are probably polite and well behaved but in a group they can be very difficult to deal with. Some of them seem intent on shocking us old folks (that is anyone over 30) with their behaviour. Surely they realize how immature they look.

As a nurse, it is so sad to see these beautiful young folk smoking cigarettes, ruining their health and looks. I often wonder where they get the cigarettes.

Getting drunk and high seem to be the topics of conversation. Some of the boys talk very disrespectfully about some of the girls and vice versa. Kind of shocking for an old girl like myself!

They do not seem to care who overhears their conversations as they speak in very loud tones. I wish some of their parents could witness this behaviour, although I doubt it would change anything.

I know it is just a few that make it bad for the others. It was the same way when I was a young person.

There are so many wonderful young folks out there that do not make a spectacle of themselves and so they are not the subject of letters to the editor. Good for you!

Brenda Stone, RN, BscN,

Sylvan Lake