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Clean out outlet creek instead of spending money on more sand

The water levels on Sylvan Lake have been rising. While it is normal ...

Dear Editor,

The water levels on Sylvan Lake have been rising. While it is normal for levels to rise and fall, it is not normal to dismiss the maintenance problems that have nothing to do with the natural precipitation that causes these rises and falls in the lake level.

The runoff outlet, which is the only outlet, gets overgrown and silted in just like a drainage culvert and retains the water instead of allowing the natural flow to run off to the adjacent wetlands

This has resulted in the disappearance of the beach along lakeshore park and much of the previous nesting grounds for the water fowl.

Rather than spending money to haul in sand which only really adds to the problems, it would be much more natural and efficient to clean out the overgrowth in the drainage area and allow the water to run out naturally.

Leaving the build up of silt and reeds which trap other debris, and calling it natural is like not cleaning but letting the leaves and yard cutting blow onto the driveway to build up and calling it natural.

Ria Dubeta,
