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Martial arts and wellness centre closing

As many of you know, Central Alberta Martial Arts & Wellness (aka Centre for Peaceful Living) is a not-for-profit centre.

Dearest community members and Martial Arts family,

As many of you know, Central Alberta Martial Arts & Wellness (aka Centre for Peaceful Living) is a not-for-profit centre. Its mission is to empower children, youth and adults through the tradition of the martial arts and other complementary wellness and life skills programs, such as life coaching, personal development workshops, meditation, thai yoga massage, community service, and international humanitarian projects, to name but a few.

With this in mind, it is crucial that support is in place to bring these experiences to fruition and to ensure the sustainability of these programs and overall vision.

Over the past few years, our internal sponsorship drives (i.e. Alberta Bushido Open Tournament) including external sponsorships and donations (i.e. government and corporate venues) have all declined or have been close to nothing at all. During this time frame and up until present date, the centre has explored and exhausted every possible option to ensure the viability of the dojo, and its students, and its grand vision.

Despite these efforts, it has come to pass that the Centre/Dojo will close as of Dec. 31st, 2012.

We thank you for your time, love, energy, and spirit. To help lift your spirits we wish to bring to your attention all the wonderful things that you — the students, the community members and supporters — have accomplished. This includes but is not limited to:

- Numerous years of community clean-ups to make our world a cleaner and better place;

- Emotional and financial support to so many children, as far as Nepal;

- Over $30,000 in scholarships for children in financial need;

- annual Food Bank and kindness cards contributions to the so many hungry and disheartened community members;

- Over $15,000 in donations to World Vision to support their worthy causes

- And most importantly, how you have come to learn and exhibit the true spirit of the martial arts through kindness, awareness, and compassion — this is one of your biggest gifts to the world. Always remember this …

We are blessed to have had you in our lives and you will always be remembered …

Yours in Peace, Love, and Light

Sensei Christine & Sensei Dennis Braun,

Sylvan Lake