It’s the start of the New Year and like many other people, I too set New Year’s resolutions for myself.
Some of my resolutions for the year include: budgeting better, not forgetting to water my plant, exercising more and just in general doing the best I can every day.
However, I do sometimes question if making resolutions is actually pointless.
Some studies done say that 80 per cent of people will fail to complete the resolutions they set for themselves. So basically, the vast majority of people.
Regarding why so many people fail to complete their New Year’s resolutions, some studies suggest that people are sometimes just not ready for change or are thinking too big.
Change is often something that people tend to resist or even fear because it is straying away from what is normal to them.
Even I have to admit it has only been five days into January and I have already forgotten to water my plant.
At the end of the day though, I do think making resolutions can be beneficial.
While an individual might not complete their resolution, it doesn’t mean that they haven’t started on the path that will lead them to the change they want to make.
Change truly does take time, so if individuals are interested in change and creating a resolution regarding change, set up a resolution with small increments of change.
Then if you meet that, there is nothing saying that you can’t change your resolution during the year to take it another increment further.
Some resolutions take years, and that’s ok.
Just recognizing a need or want for change might make having a resolution worth it after all.
Regarding the studies about failing on New Year’s resolutions, I also don’t think people should go into their resolutions thinking about failing, because, in my opinion, if you think you’re going to fail chances are you will.
It’s also good to keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with failing, after all like Michael Jordan once said “Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a stepping stone to success.”
New Year’s resolutions are just that, stepping stones, and with everything in mind that I have researched and thought about I am hopeful that I will achieve most of my resolutions (sorry plant) for the year.