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Power tripping most dangerous and destructive

When I was considerably younger, I started travelling here, there, just about anywhere.

Dear Editor,

When I was considerably younger, I started travelling here, there, just about anywhere. It was wonderful. The world was a friendlier place back then. I made many friends, and am still, to this day, in touch with some.

As I was sitting looking at some pictures and reminiscing, the word “trip” kept running through my mind. At first it was just a time away from the home base for relaxation, business, or discovery — a refreshing time. You went, came back and shared experiences with family, friends, and anybody else who was interested. It was fun.

Lately, “trip” can mean so many things: It is something we all do when we are not paying attention, like tripping over the cat, or the end of a skate board.

When using drugs of any kind, singly, or in combination with alcohol, we can have good, bad, or even fatal trips which can have devastating effects on so many of the people we know.

To my mind, the most dangerous and destructive kind of tripping is POWER TRIPPING.

We see so much of it these days, in practically all areas of the community. Power trippers can be anybody, from disgruntled folk who have had power and lost it, or those who think their efforts on behalf of the community have not been sufficiently acknowledged. So they inadvertently crush the people who love them, eventually losing everything which is nearest and dearest to them.

So that’s it for now. Thanks for listening.

Helen McLean,

Sylvan Lake