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Cody’s athletics society needs parents’ involvement

Athletes participating in H. J. Cody High School extra-curricular sports benefit from the dedication

Athletes participating in H. J. Cody High School extra-curricular sports benefit from the dedication of some behind the scenes volunteers who are now searching for a new leader.

H. J. Cody Athletics Society was formed a number of years ago as a fundraising arm to help with all the costs involved in participating in sports.

Over the years, money raised, chiefly through a casino every two years or so, has been used to pay officials and league costs, tournament entry fees, purchase team equipment and uniforms, said Lindsay Vandermeer, the school’s athletics director.

This all helps to reduce the costs to students who choose to participate in sports after school and on weekends.

Last year the society also sponsored the athletics recognition assembly to honour the school’s athletes.

The organization has suffered recently due to a lack of involvement by parents and those still involved are hoping to encourage a few new parents who have children involved to step up and help, said Vandermeer.

The next society meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. in the library at H. J. Cody.

It’s not a major time commitment, she indicated. Other than organizing for the casino, the society executive is involved in reviewing requests for money from teams and deciding how to divide what’s available.

Anyone interested in learning more may contact Vandermeer at the school, 403-887-2412.