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Sewer system ‘shovel ready’; other issues reviewed by Birchcliff councillors

A ‘shovel ready’ plan to install a sewage collection system in Birchcliff was one of many topics discussed when the summer village
Serious injuries

Serious injuries

A crash and vehicle fire which sent plumes of thick black smoke into the sky last Friday afternoon, forced closure of Highway 11 between

Speed limit reduction coming for Lakeshore Drive’s west end

The speed limit on the west end of Lakeshore Drive will be reduced to 60 km/hr. from the currently posted 70 km/hr. later this year.

Six metre reserve created to protect trees; no access to lane

Residents of Pierview didn’t get everything they wanted but they managed to secure protection for a tree stand which will act as a

Sylvan to join Lacombe, Ponoka in new federal district

Highway 11 is the new dividing line of proposed federal electoral districts in the Sylvan Lake area.

Newest members of Sylvan Lake’s RCMP detachment

Two RCMP officers have joined the Sylvan Lake detachment since the end of June.

New park space downtown

There’s a new place to relax or picnic in the heart of Sylvan Lake’s downtown.

Quiet week for firefighters

Following are calls responded to by Sylvan Lake’s volunteer firefighters, during the week ending July 9

Investigating youths wearing ski masks threatening other youths

A male was issued a 24 hour suspension and received a careless driving fine as a result of a check stop in Sylvan Lake

County bylaw allows use of quads on its roads

Lacombe County unanimously passed an off-highway vehicle bylaw last Thursday, although councillors doubted they had heard the last