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Duty of elected officials to fight for electorate

The electorate pays the way, and has the right to have their opinions fought for by the elected representatives at all levels of government.

Better signage needed to direct tourists

It is nearing May long weekend and camper after camper and boat after boat are stopping at the 781/11 intersection and sitting, ...

Grateful for husband and children after distressing experience on Mother’s Day

On Mother’s Day, my husband wanted me to spend the day in Red Deer to relax while he and our three children cleaned the house.

Graduates, it’s just the beginning

The excitement, smiles, and memories at Eckville Junior Senior High School graduation Saturday made me reflect on my own graduation.

Frustrated trying to get onto lake

have heard several compliments about the nice chairs and benches overlooking the lake in the new park but I have also heard many ...

Mac’s staff do amazing job putting up with youth

I have just returned from a disturbing visit to Mac’s Store. I am feeling very sorry for the employees there.

No wolf in aging report

There are so many countervailing factors in a study of Canada's aging population that pundits are having trouble deciding how to cry wolf.

Gutting the Fisheries Act

So long Minister, and thanks for all the dead fish.
What makes a runner?

What makes a runner?

I used to think people who ran marathons were a few beers short of a six-pack. Seriously, who would run 42 km on purpose?